Post by Jimmy Johnsonlibksysguard-5.23 is installed but not ksysguard.
I'm not on 5.23 yet — still on 5.22.5 here — but it's possible that
they've dropped KSysGuard in favor of the new System Monitor that was
introduced in 5.22.
It's not the only thing they've dropped either. The spinning cube
effect and the "flip switch"/"cover switch" effects are gone too,
because they need to be rewritten to match their new Wayland-ready 3D
handling — or "scene", as they themselves call it — and they're hiding
behind not having enough manpower and resources, as well as that (in
their minds) nobody uses those effects.
We've already filed a couple of bug reports about it — even if only so
as to let them know that, yes, there are people for whom those effects
are part of their normal workflow — but so far they don't seem to care
too much.
Oh, and translucency, while still available, is disabled by default
now. <rolling eyes>
With respect,
= Aragorn =