Post by Henrik CarlqvistPost by bad sectorPost by Henrik CarlqvistCould it be that slackpkg upgraded your system with those patches? If
so you should now have a number of packages installed which are named
How would I find those?
In all versions of Slackware that I have been running there have been a
file for each package installed in /var/log/packags. I haven't tried 15.0
yet, but if I understand things correctly, the contents of that directory
might have been moved to /var/lib/pkgtools.
working on my laptop, it looks like it did do package upgrades but no
installs of missing packages; binutils is installed so I must have
installed that manually
# ls /0/sa03/var/lib/pkgtools/packages/*_slack15.0
Post by Henrik CarlqvistPost by bad sectorThere's tons of 'slackware ways' that I have to soak up. Is there a way
to correct the installation from the DVD or from online repos to make
sure that everything is installed? Partly an academic question given
that I will make a new DVD anyway and almost certainly reinstall on both
I run the following Makefile in each directory containing upgraded or
PACKAGES = $(wildcard *.t?z)
LOG_FILES = $(PACKAGES:%.tgz=/var/log/packages/%) \
VERSION_FILE = $(wildcard sla*-version)
all: Check_Version $(sort $(LOG_FILES))
/var/log/packages/%: %.tgz
upgradepkg --install-new --reinstall $<
/var/log/packages/%: %.txz
upgradepkg --install-new --reinstall $<
However, my directories with packages also contain a copy of /etc/
slackware-version to avoid that I install packages on the wrong version
of Slackware. Again, on 15.0, you might have to modify the Makefile to
look for installed packages in another directory than /var/log/packages.
Waaaay over my head, though I might try it later if I know what it's
supposed to do :-)
Right now I have to resolve a confidence issue and then decide on fresh
reinstalls. I've checked the md5 on the 64-bit iso file used and it's
good. I have also downloaded the 32 bit file and a new 64-bit one for
insurance. Their md5's also check out good.
As seen elsewhere it appears that my install DVD was defective as
binutils did not get installed on either machine originally, more
packages in addition failed to install on an aborted test install
yesterday. Burning anew is thus inevitable, already underway.
Do I now go for the reinstalls or do I attempt to correct/salvage the
existing ones? My home rags are on another drive and a maximum of maybe
20 applications not in the standard iso image are needed from SBO, so
fresh reinstalls would not be such horrors.