I think he is testing something but does not understand there are test
groups for this sort of thing :)
negative, it was dropping a hint about ... to those who can decode it,
for those who cant, well, they'll find out pretty soon what it was sneak
Also many years ago, there was a huge flame fest here about using pgp to
sign posts. IIRC, the end result was to put the pgp signature in the
headers. Maybe some people here will remember more about the outcome on
post signing.
that argument was everywhere, groups and mailing lists, we still did
what we wanted to because those trying to tell others what to do were
self appointed net-cops, actually we called them worse but the world is
trying to be more respecting so I wont use that term now... and there was
no prohibition on it in any group charter, it was simple some dweebs
didn't like it... plus I'm about 30 years older and CBF baiting like I
used to haha, the joys of family life mean free time is very limited.